10 January 2013

This is our life #52

Hi Lovelies,
You might recall from my last post about these *few* little challenges Ive kick started this new year... well another one i'm totally excited about and will be sharing on the blog is called This Is Our Life. And because photography is my *close* second love(...or is it just that it combines capturing memories of my first and best love?) this is one of my favorite challenges of 2013. I’m joining the Paint the Moon community (linked up here: http://paintthemoon.net/blog/ ) to post a picture once a week of our lifestyle unfiltered. It’s easy to capture moments when something special happens...but that's only a small fraction of this crazy beautiful life we are creating.

This is what Annie, of Paint the Moon, says about it:
Lifestyle photography, in it’s essence, it is the capturing of real life moments – genuine expressions, most often candid without the subject knowing the photo was being taken. No posing or fake smiles, taken candidly in most cases and often the subject is caught up in their own world, unaware you and the camera are even there. It’s the recording of precious details that pass us by everyday, and are often those little things that we look back on in later years and think, “Oh my goodness, I remember when …” It’s an interaction, an expression or emotion, the way we live, laugh and love. In future years these photos will be something to look back at and treasure, to remind us of the real moments and to tell our story to future generations.

Ironically, the first challenge is "evening rituals"...well how fitting! We have a new evening ritual around these parts, date nights at Cardel Place for the Tone It Up challenge! Or when we can't make it there, it's in the close quarters that daylight as a living room.

Hey, its not always glamorous, but this is our life.


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