28 January 2013

This makes me wish I could freeze time

Week 3: this is our life.

A lot of things make me wish I could freeze time...I'm sure most of you would agree. Maybe that's why I tend to take a gazillion and one pictures; because it's the closest I can get to freezing time.

These pictures were taken at the wedding fair this past weekend. Wedding planning can be stressful but there's only going to be a small moment in time that I will ever be a bride-to-be. I'm choosing to hold onto this precious time closely and enjoy it...because when its over, I wont get another moment like it again. Luckily, I've had two years to really soak it all in, so now that I'm entering the home stretch, I want to savor all the excitement.

Man, Dave's one lucky guy...I mean seriously, look at all this awesomeness in his future!

And as my gorgeous friend Audrey Hepburn once said ... Paris is ALWAYS a good idea! So we booked the honeymoon today (this girl's got her priorities in order!).

Xo Tegs

22 January 2013

Time for another TIU Update!

Hard to believe that it’s time for another Tone It Up Tuesday report, that means we’re already half way
into the 6 week challenge! It just goes to show that if you keep on plugging along and doing your best
each day, that time will inevitably fly by, and before you know it, progress and change will start to take

I had a bit of a rough go this week with my sad, sprained finger. It was starting look like a zombie digit,
but thankfully the color has returned to normal…and hopefully so will my fitness schedule this week.

As for last week, we filled it full of Friends with Benefits date nights! This is my new favorite thing. They
are seriously.the.best. Also known as sweat dates, we like to get fit and fab with our friends all while
socializing so the burn doesn’t sting so bad! Everything is just better when besties are involved! We kicked off the week with a badminton double date…man, I forgot how much fun it is whacking a little birdie around! I don’t think I’ve picked up a racquet since high school! I could hear my old gym teacher's tips in my head hahaha, she would be proud! Friday we tried something totally new, a Floor Hockey game. I was pumped when my work team told me that they were short a guy and a girl for the evening game…it was intense with a lot of sprints and rests. Dave looked like a kid in a candy store to be back at it again! Finally on Saturday we bundled up and braved the blistery cold for a skate on the ODR and I’m glad we did because it made the party afterwards seem all the more worth warming up with friends after!

So, even though I may not be sticking to the suggested Tone It Up workouts each day, I’ve been making
the effort to sweat (almost) everyday! I’m still working towards that #100byVDay challenge and at 32.8
miles, I’m going to have to make more of these gym dates the distance variety!



17 January 2013

This is Our Life. Laugh

The prompt for this weeks This Is Our Life photo is "This Makes Me Laugh".  
To be honest, I don't really remember why we were laughing so hard out on the rink...but these snaps were taken from a video clip that we were clearly having WAY to much fun with! For Dave & I, a Saturday winter skate is just another day in the life, but i know one day, when they aren't so frequent anymore, we will look back on these days and remember how much fun we had out there.
I tried to upload the video, because it makes me crack up all over again, but i think the file size is too large for the ol' blogspot to handle...
So i guess the pictures will have to tell the story instead!
xo Tegs


15 January 2013

Tone It Up Tuesday


Week 2 has come and gone and I'm still feeling great about the TIU challenge! There is so much variety
that its darn near impossible to get bored and bogged down with routine. Some examples this week
included a few runs at the gym, an impromptu basketball sesh with my homeboy D3, and a little
ODR skate on Sunday.

Highlight of my week in terms of training, would have to be the “Try It Thursday”
spin class I did with my bestie at her yoga studio on Crowfoot. A sweat date with a girlfriend is seriously
a friends with benefits kind of deal. She inspires me on so many levels and I cherish any time we get
together, so when it includes some killer cardio, and a healthy dinner date with our men afterward Im
in total bliss! That’s the beauty of getting your friends involved in a #LoveYourBody mindset too…a support system can bring out strengths in you that you didn’t even know existed.

This week, I have a couple more runs scheduled…gotta make my #100byVDay challenge! So far Im at
23.5 miles and counting! I also have a badminton double date night lined up and who knows what will
be tried for the next Try It Thursday shesh…guess you’ll just have to come back next week too see!

Let me know whats been keeping you motivated this week!! And speaking of skating, watch out for the crazy slippery ice out there, i crashed hard in the dark after work tonight which left me with more down time than i would have preferred this evening (although i did need it to type this post with one hand! The other is majorly swollen and bruised...FYI: Australian boots with zero grip are oblivious to the wrath of Canadian ice!)

Xo Tegs

10 January 2013

This is our life #52

Hi Lovelies,
You might recall from my last post about these *few* little challenges Ive kick started this new year... well another one i'm totally excited about and will be sharing on the blog is called This Is Our Life. And because photography is my *close* second love(...or is it just that it combines capturing memories of my first and best love?) this is one of my favorite challenges of 2013. I’m joining the Paint the Moon community (linked up here: http://paintthemoon.net/blog/ ) to post a picture once a week of our lifestyle unfiltered. It’s easy to capture moments when something special happens...but that's only a small fraction of this crazy beautiful life we are creating.

This is what Annie, of Paint the Moon, says about it:
Lifestyle photography, in it’s essence, it is the capturing of real life moments – genuine expressions, most often candid without the subject knowing the photo was being taken. No posing or fake smiles, taken candidly in most cases and often the subject is caught up in their own world, unaware you and the camera are even there. It’s the recording of precious details that pass us by everyday, and are often those little things that we look back on in later years and think, “Oh my goodness, I remember when …” It’s an interaction, an expression or emotion, the way we live, laugh and love. In future years these photos will be something to look back at and treasure, to remind us of the real moments and to tell our story to future generations.

Ironically, the first challenge is "evening rituals"...well how fitting! We have a new evening ritual around these parts, date nights at Cardel Place for the Tone It Up challenge! Or when we can't make it there, it's in the close quarters that daylight as a living room.

Hey, its not always glamorous, but this is our life.


08 January 2013

Tone it up Tuesday!

Hey lovelies!
So Ive started a *few* new projects lately...there’s just something about a fresh new year that motivates me to take on new challenges! One of them is to be feeling fit and fab in 2013...along with the other 90% of the population who make a health related resolution! ;) Buuut, this one is more about loving your body and treating it great rather than counting or being concerned about numbers.
So I’ve joined the Tone It Up girls (Karena and Katrina) in the Love Your Body challenge that takes place from now until Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that the perfect gift you can give yourself, the satisfaction of knowing you are making yourself a priority! I love the motivation that the TIU girls give their team, its inspiring to be healthy when its 100% about being good to yourself. They are posting several workout schedules along the way...one is #100byVday in which we are attempting to run/climb/walk 100 miles by February 14th. So far I’ve run about 13 miles and I’m feeling great about it! They really encourage positivity in the community and I’d love to have all of you friends join with me...because after all, who is taking care of your one beautiful and perfect body if you aren’t? It’s amazing how your mentality can change when you invest time in yourself!

Of course it’s not always going to be easy, so here’s a little run down on how we’ve started out:
One the first day, Dave showed up to the gym without his shorts...oops! So I started on my miles whilst he drove home to grab them. As I stepped on the tread, I realized that I forgot my headphones. Now I don’t know about you, but I can seriously run 10x faster and longer if I have a good playlist! Maybe it goes back to my old days at the dance studio but I can take my mind off of the struggle if I’m distracted by some good loud jams! And with no distraction at all, it was a struggle! So I phoned Dave at home and asked him to grab me some ear buds. Well he came back at about 2.0 miles of my 2.2 mile goal for Day 1...and he was ready to start his workout! So, its not always going to be easy to get into the gym...we find that right before bed works for us...we go hard then head home to shower and crash! Ill post a few more Tone It Up Tuesdays along the way! Here's the link if your keen to check them out: http://toneitup.com 

Feel free to leave an inspiring comment about loving your body! I’m sure many of you are already making your health the utmost importance, but if you need a friend to say Let’s Do This Together...I'm your girl! Who's with me?

Xo Tegs

02 January 2013


You know what’s funny about the New Year and reflecting on the year gone by...it’s that every single year, when I look back on all the adventure I’ve experienced in the last 365 days, I think the EXACT same thing. I couldn’t be more blessed, happy or full of zest for life! But then a lingering thought is always quick to follow...how will this new year ever live up to the awesomeness that was my life last year?! 

And then life happens, and I don’t think about it again until its December 31st of that *new year* and that’s when it hits me! I realize that, with my life hurling forward at such a crazy pace, I never stop long enough to notice how amazing it really is...until I write it all out after Christmas Holidays! Somehow, some way we manage to top off the year before because there is so much opportunity out there, we just have to reach out and grab a piece of it! I cant wait to see all that 2013 has in store for us, after all...I will be coming out of it a married woman!!

This past year we celebrated two amazing years of being engaged. It feels like one day Dave was down on one knee asking me to spend the rest of my life with him and then I blinked and now here we are, two years later. And as much as I love love love to reflect, I also love the clean slate that a new year brings. But a white page doesn’t keep, so I like to plan goals for new adventures and ways to color my 2013 canvas. And while I know the main event, we’re attempting to fill in all the other spaces with our 2013 relationship bucket list.

Together Let's:
1. Plan a fabulous European honeymoon.
2. Go on a road trip.
3. Take dance lessons.
4. Save for our dream nest.
5. Make matching T-shirts. 
6. Sign up for tennis lessons.
7. Swim in the ocean.
8. Hit up one of our must see U.S. cities.
9. Learn to make pasta.
10. Complete our dream bedroom reno.
11. Run a 10k race together.
12. Go for a mountainy hike, canoe on a lake.
13. Do an all day movie marathon.
14. Plan a trip to Africa. 
15. Embrace a winter weekend outdoors.
16. Garden in our back yard.
17. Make a sushi feast.
18. Learn to play a song on guitar.
19. Get married.
20. Fill an empty jar with notes of all the wonderful things that happened this year and read them at the end of the year!

So here's to a new year, filled to the brim with opportunity for endless amounts of love, laughter and joy! We rang it in with a bang, (besties mandatory!) I cant wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!

Forgive the extreme grainy-ness...you would have thought this was taken on NYE 1990!
 What are some of your resolutions for this perfectly clean slate we call 2013? Leave a comment below!
xo Tegs