01 November 2012

I'm Baaaaack!

Hello?...Anybody out there? It's me, Tegan!! No? No, I didn't think so. 

Well, please, allow me start over. 

After an extended three month blogging break, I'm back to blab about life in the motherland! Our days have been a whirlwind of crazy since we moved home. We started new jobs, bought a cozy new house and made it a home. We witnessed love at its finest celebrating five weddings, meeting our gorgeous nephew for the first time, welcoming a new niece into the world and not to mention throwing a bit of ol' wedding planning into the mix! We`ve been cherishing all the time we`ve got to spend with friends and family, so these next few posts are going to be my attempt at straightening out those summer nights as best as I can recall them.



Xo Tegs