29 July 2013

Urban Cottage: Weekend Retreating

I'm delighted to have a guest post to share today! It's written by none other than the fabulous Stacey Michalsky, detailing a recent little adventure we went on! Thanks for the contribution Stace!

After inviting 33 gals on an awesome ladies weekend getaway, Tegan and I were the only two lone wolves who made the quest to the good ol’ town of Stettler. The drive to this small isolated town started out a tad rushed, as we departed Calgary after 4pm and had our full evening of Spa appointments begining at 630. We are usually running on Tegs time (always late) haha and had we not had the perfect amount of gas in the tank (to the very last drop) to make it there, it could have been a heck of a lot worse. We arrived at the spa, in time to settle in an enjoy the sauna, body scrubs, massages, and facials. The evening in the old farm house B&B was capped off with pedicures and wine! Talk about the PERFECT finish to a long Friday work day!

Saturday began with a yummy breakfast prepared especially for us, consisting of yogurt, strawberries, and granola paired with a hot coffee and a quiet (and somewhat lonely) class of yoga. It was just Tegs and I, a little one on one action with the instructor and she felt like working us hard that morning, so we did a yoga boot camp with intervals. I bogged out a couple times, but we plowed through like yogi champs! It was sweet! Hard, but totally rejuvenating and we were ready to face the day! Lucky us, we ventured out to do some shopping at the little gem they call "downtown". Mix in a sushi lunch and some crafts we purchased for evening fun over vino and we were on our way back to our getaway space. 

On route we ran into “The Shoot Out”, a quarter mile car race which happened to be the place to go in Stettler. Obviously, it was the perfect photo opportunity, so we had to stop in!

Once back at the B&B we got our tan on, painted some canvases, and hit up the hydrotherapy hot tub. All in all, we had an awesome time! Just what we needed, time to sit, chill, and reminisce in a space far enough away to forget our worries, but not too far that the drive would be would be ridiculous for a 2 nights stay.

Sunday we woke up to the smell of baked oatmeal. THIS WAS DELISH! I keep salivating thinking about it. Tegs and I had seconds, right before our yoga class...that's how good it was! {And if I ever get the recipe I will be sure to share.} We had company this time around, with one lady joining us for the second class. It was an easy restorative Yin class, and a great wrap up to our blissful weekend. Although I think we moved slower after the class, like we were in zombie mode. Maybe a little too relaxed I guess, as we didn’t leave Stettler till almost 2.

Tegs was great company (Why thank you Stace, of course you were too!), and we realized how much we have in common without really even knowing it before. Its always great to see how we evolve as we mature, and even weirder to think that this long after High School (almost ten years?!) we are all still close friends and finally back in close proximity as well. It's easy to see that we became friends for a reason a decade ago, and fast forwarding to today, our friendship is still as strong as ever!

Stace & Tegs xo

21 July 2013

Tandem Honeymooners

Oh hey friends!

I am so happy to report back after my first couple weeks of marital bliss that being Mrs. Dow feels amazeballs. Seriously.

I mean only a mere three weeks ago I was all like "Nothings going to change, we've been living our happily ever after since the dinosaurs were kickin' it". But much to my (very happy) surprise, it feels like a new light fills the air (or maybe that's called summer, I don't know?) I guess that's why they call it the honeymoon phase!

So we made our very first purchase as honeymooners last weekend...a very appropriate and necessary purchase if I do say so myself.

Yep, shes a legit tandem bicycle built for two. Can you tell we have love on the brain? I know...I know... we JUST professed our ever abiding love for each other, but I can not WAIT to get my forever on with this handsome man!

We are ready to ride off into the sunset! Like they always say...two seats are better than one!

xo Tegs

04 July 2013

Introducing...Tegan Dow!


Hello Blog Land!

Since you’ve all probably forgotten who I even am anymore, I figure that this moment is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce myself...the new and improved me.

Hi, I’m Tegan Dow!

That’s right folks. I'm a married woman! Dave and I exchanged our heartfelt vows on Saturday and it was above and beyond the best day of my life! 
Now, I'm back to blog a little bit of wedding and a lot more of our new adventures as 
Mr. & Mrs. Dow! 

Starting with the Minimoon.
We are waiting until September to embark on the European honeymoon, so to hold us over until then, we were BC bound. 

Dave decided that Emerald Lake Lodge was the perfect little location to getaway from it all, to relax after all the intense wedding planning that filled out our days for the past few months. 
There is no cell phone reception, no internet service, no distractions.
Just 100% unplugged, unwound and unbelievable!


The glacier mineral water is a gorgeous, glowing teal color and the fresh pine scent in the air fully recharged our batteries. 

This is how we decided to spend our first week getting used to married life.

I think its suffice to say, I'm going to love being his Mrs!

18 March 2013

golden birthday boy.


This week marks the boy’s 27th birthday and we couldn’t be happier spending it in beautiful Golden BC, tucked away in a cute cabin the mountains. There is so much beauty in this country, it would be a shame to take it for granted. So we are doing exactly the opposite, and marveling in all its wonder this weekend.
Im secretly a little happy that it snowed this week because it makes it all the more necessary to cozy up to our fireplace, with a mug of hot chocolate and some s’mores, stare at the stars and listen to the wolves howl at the moon.

This is the boys last birthday as a single man, so of coarse we spent it indulging in all his favorite things...mountains, outdoors, snowboarding and BBQing. He's a pretty amazing guy and he deserves this and so much more! I cant wait to marry my best friend this summer.

I love you babe, Happy Birthday!!
xoxo Tegs