02 January 2013


You know what’s funny about the New Year and reflecting on the year gone by...it’s that every single year, when I look back on all the adventure I’ve experienced in the last 365 days, I think the EXACT same thing. I couldn’t be more blessed, happy or full of zest for life! But then a lingering thought is always quick to follow...how will this new year ever live up to the awesomeness that was my life last year?! 

And then life happens, and I don’t think about it again until its December 31st of that *new year* and that’s when it hits me! I realize that, with my life hurling forward at such a crazy pace, I never stop long enough to notice how amazing it really is...until I write it all out after Christmas Holidays! Somehow, some way we manage to top off the year before because there is so much opportunity out there, we just have to reach out and grab a piece of it! I cant wait to see all that 2013 has in store for us, after all...I will be coming out of it a married woman!!

This past year we celebrated two amazing years of being engaged. It feels like one day Dave was down on one knee asking me to spend the rest of my life with him and then I blinked and now here we are, two years later. And as much as I love love love to reflect, I also love the clean slate that a new year brings. But a white page doesn’t keep, so I like to plan goals for new adventures and ways to color my 2013 canvas. And while I know the main event, we’re attempting to fill in all the other spaces with our 2013 relationship bucket list.

Together Let's:
1. Plan a fabulous European honeymoon.
2. Go on a road trip.
3. Take dance lessons.
4. Save for our dream nest.
5. Make matching T-shirts. 
6. Sign up for tennis lessons.
7. Swim in the ocean.
8. Hit up one of our must see U.S. cities.
9. Learn to make pasta.
10. Complete our dream bedroom reno.
11. Run a 10k race together.
12. Go for a mountainy hike, canoe on a lake.
13. Do an all day movie marathon.
14. Plan a trip to Africa. 
15. Embrace a winter weekend outdoors.
16. Garden in our back yard.
17. Make a sushi feast.
18. Learn to play a song on guitar.
19. Get married.
20. Fill an empty jar with notes of all the wonderful things that happened this year and read them at the end of the year!

So here's to a new year, filled to the brim with opportunity for endless amounts of love, laughter and joy! We rang it in with a bang, (besties mandatory!) I cant wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!

Forgive the extreme grainy-ness...you would have thought this was taken on NYE 1990!
 What are some of your resolutions for this perfectly clean slate we call 2013? Leave a comment below!
xo Tegs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be one of the best years yet my love!! I can't wait to fulfill all our dreams together!! Xoxoxoxo