11 October 2011

OH Canada!

Well I’ve been in Canada for fifteen days now and I must say it really feels like home! Its funny how many of the differences don’t faze me in Australia, which stand out now that I'm on home soil! I love this land of beautiful mountain views, crisp fall mornings, a warm Timmies in hand, genuine smiles and polite manners, a delicious Caesar, 12% HST and tipping...wait what?!

I had a wonderful visit with my sis-in-law Kelsey, who flew in for the weekend to spend time with me. We wandered through the Granville Island markets, got lost on the Sky Train and of course had many delightful eats and drinks. 

There is definitely a nip in the air now that October has rolled around, but there is just something to  be said about the changing of the seasons that is so welcoming...like shedding the old layer of the past season and getting a fresh start on the season ahead. Not to mention getting all layered up, it's like being wrapped in a big snuggley hug!

This weekend was Thanksgiving and I am so thankful to have had my twin sis Meliss come to spend the holiday in Vancouver. We squeezed in some shopping, Earl's dinners, and some great family visits. Its always far too long between seeing our grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins...

There are just so many things to be thankful for in this crazy, beautiful life I am living! The only thing that would have made it better would have been to share this time with my love, who is still home in Brisbane! Its easy to forget the wonderful freedoms that come from living in (two of) the most gorgeous country(s) in the world! For happiness and health, for the opportunity to gather with family and friends and to be able to travel this gorgeous globe with the love of my life! For pumpkin pie (a variety that doesn't even exist in Oz!!) and for turkey dinner...so much gratitude...thanks for taking the time to stop by and have a read!

xo Tegs

What are you thankful for?


Sabrina said...

I am thankful that your my big sissy and we can travel the world together! xxx

tegan.dow said...

Amen to that brotha!