15 May 2011

Indo Dreaming

My mind has been drifting to a not so far away place lately... and that place is the luscious land of Indonesia. Indo is the next country on our crazy two year 'Australasia' agenda and we are starting to plan the trip! I’ve been brushing up on all things Bali and let me tell you, it's gonna be tough to squeeze in all the wonder that this country has to offer in two short weeks! So I thought this would be a good forum to ask all of you out there in blogland what you would recommend, if you’ve been lucky enough to see this gem in Southeast Asia.

Here are my thoughts so far: Surf by day & party on the beach at night in Bali, absorb the culture amongst endless fields of rice patties in Ubud, explore the breath-taking beaches of Dreamland, and visit gorgeous Orang-utans in their natural jungle habitat. Of course there is no way I will be missing out on the shopping madness in Singapore, when it’s just a hop, skip and a jump from where we will be!
And so with Indo stuck on our brains, Dave & I have recently began dabbling in Bikram yoga. If you haven’t tried it before, I’ll try to paint a realistic picture for you. There are about 40 people lined up on their mats in a room that is heated to about 40 degrees. We go through a series of 26 postures twice each. The sweat starts pouring pretty much right away, and your whole body drips like a leaky tap for the next hour and a half. That’s how long the class is. I’m not sure if its standard for all Bikram studios to have this carpet-like flooring but ours does and the stench instantly takes me back to the days of Dave’s hockey bag smells knocking me out! The nastiest thing is that Dave doesn’t mind the smell at all and says it doesn’t faze him, in fact he likes that it reminds him of hockey! Meanwhile, I’m trying not to pass out. From the nastiness to the heat, the combo is enough to knock a brotha out. The workout is really intense and at some points you get a bit nauseous, but after it’s all over you leave feeling fantastic! The benefits to your body are endless from the deepest of stretches into every tissue you never knew existed to the mental challenges that you overcome just to get through the class.
Now that I’ve terrified you with that, you must be wondering why the heck I bothered to go back...but the truth is I usually wait just enough days that I forget how challenging the last class was. We signed up for the 10 day introductory course, and went every three days to get a rest in between. Dave was super keen to keep up on our classes so we are now on a new 10 class pass that will last us for the next two months...which means that we should have our zen polished just in time for Indo! I’m on a mission to find a fabulous yoga haven to retreat from the hustle and bustle of our busy bee life.

This post is lacking in the photo department, however, since I will be in photo heaven on our upcoming trip, I will make up for it then! Here are some snaps from this weekend out on the ocean at Moreton Bay, stand-up paddle boarding. We'll definitely be out on the boards again soon! 


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