31 March 2011

March’s Reasons to be Grateful

March has flown by; I really can’t believe it’s over already! I’m sure that I’m starting to sound like a broken record by now, but I think that might be my tag line for the year because I’ve said that at the end of each month of 2011!

Grateful for my handsome, charming, funny, kind, thoughtful and amazing fiancé who was born 25 years ago, this month. I am forever thankful for all of the sunshine he brings into my life every single day.

Grateful for the wide open spaces that make us feel like we are living in the clouds!

Grateful for family...who we wish we could chat with more on Skype!!

And for three gorgeous nieces...Cody, Sauyer & Quinn ...who are growing up to be beautiful little girls.  (Doesn't the look on Quinn's face say it all?!? She's ready for some beach time with Aunty & Uncle in Oz!!)

Grateful for Adele and her music, I could listen to her for hours on end.

Grateful for totally random acts of fireworks! We don't know what the occasion was but it was a brilliant display, from a boat on the river just outside of our living room window!

Grateful for puddle jumping...obviously you have to be good at it when your entire city is prone to going under water! Grateful for our health and the ability to exercise, and for discovering Bikram yoga...whoa nelly, it packs the heat!!

Grateful for my job which continually challenges me to be better at what I do, and thankful for the opportunity to learn new things every day.

Grateful for my fun friends who I get to see at work daily, but also on the weekends if I’m lucky!

 Grateful for the days that I can meet my love at home on my lunch break and jump into the pool for a swim!

Happiness is sand between our toes and weekends spent laying on the beach!

We already have tons of fabulous plans in store for April, plenty of abundance to dance for at our place!! 

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Love to all,
Tegs xoxox


Ali said...

Hey! I'm just loving your blog. I maybe said that already, but really! Great writing, great pics and a great story. You need to do a book lady!

Shelly said...

...Thanks for the wonderful updates Tegs ...really enjoy your adventures!Have a Happy Easter in NZ you two!!