22 March 2011

Fishing for Some Big Birthday Adventure!

This past weekend Dave turned the big 25 so Friday night we celebrated at Casablanca on Caxton St. with dinner and drinks and then headed back home to delve into the delish homemade Rolo Cake I whipped up for the birthday boy!! (ps - did you know that skor bar does not exist here nor does cool whip?? two of my main ingredients for this cake. They looked at me like i was insane...little do they know they are missing out BIG time!) Since a quarter of a century is such a momentous occasion, we intended to whoop it up with a weekend on the Gold Coast! I had major plans in place to rent a car, drive down to Surfer’s Paradise, shop around for a board, surf all day Saturday and then stay the night where we were to catch our deep sea fishing charter the following morning. However, Mother Nature took her course and... wait for the shocking surprise...the forecast called for heavy rains!! Gotta love tropical Queensland. So what’s plan B when it’s showering outside?? 

Puddle Jumping of course!!


Once we got good and soaked we curled up inside to a movie night with left over birthday cake and ordered in!!

Surprisingly enough, our fishing charter was still on for Sunday so we did still get one day on the coast.
Now, before we got on the charter I was forewarned by several people (including my mom...note to self: always listen to your mother!!!) to make sure I take some seasickness tablets and I thought ‘Oh yeah, I’ve been on a boat SO many times but heck why not, I should probably take some’. I figured we’d just pick up some pills at the wharf once we arrived, but on the way there we got stuck in a haze of traffic fury on the M1 and since we were now almost running late we quickly found our way to the boat, not stopping once to think about the tablets. The cruise out to the middle of the ocean was fun and we were stoked to go Deep Sea Fishing...I’m thinking ‘oh yeah, you go girl...out there fishing with the big guys!!' A good ol Aussie BBQ was served as we cruised out of the wharf...snags and skewers...cause if you are going to be sea sick, heck it might as well be on a stomach full of greasy BBQ food. Thankfully I wasn’t really feeling the lunch menu, so I opted out. I started to feel a little queasy once we’d been through the rough water, with the charming smells of salt water and fishiness starting to brew, but I wasn’t doing too badly. At least that was until we stopped the boat to cast the lines and it hit me like a sac of bricks as I bee-lined it for the side of the boat where no one was standing (or looking...of course I checked first!!!) and up it came. Now I realize that this is a totally disgusting topic to blog about, but for those who know me really well...I don’t ever puke, like ever!! So this is a big deal here...I was flat out for most of the afternoon. But I like to think that my contribution to the water might have intrigued the fish below because right after, one guy caught the only fish of the day!! Oh yeah!! Now before you all go on thinking I’m a total wuss, may I tell you over half of the people on the boat were following suit in short order...young guys, old guys, the captain...haha ok maybe not him, but he did say the trip was borderline a no-go with the knots (is that the right term?? He used some sailing lingo...I went with it). The deck hand dude did give me a seasickness pill and I was able to keep it down long enough to feel the benefits so the ride home was at least enjoyable...notice the nice pictures. Dave asked me ‘Tegs are you feeling well enough to go hold onto that rail over there? I’ll just take one, put your hand on the rod!’ haha so here it is...I gave it my best fake ‘I heart fishing’ smile. 
All in all, I chalk this one up to some real life experience, it sure is funny now that I think about it, and I had one heck of a sweet fishing mate that took excellent care of his sick fiancé while still reelin the rod...pretty much a superstar!!
Moral of the story peeps...if you ever decide to roll with the big guys on a fishing trip...don’t listen to the people who say “oh you might want to pop a sea sickness tablet when you go’ listen to me when I say ‘dude, if you don’t want to cause your own death via a long, slow, painful torture, you MUST take 2 tablets 1 hour prior to stepping foot on a boat, bring about 4 more in your pocket and oh you might want to skip lunch before you go.” Just sayin!

Now that you know all the juicy details of our fishing trip I would like to add that Dave had a great time, next time he might want to pick a different partner though!! All the cake has been eaten and birthday week is over in this house for another year

Happy 25th Davey Doo!!
Love you babe.
Tegs xoxo

1 comment:

Mirthful Spirits said...

Wish I was there at the birthday party! Shall I send skor bars and Cool whip? Yes, well mother does know best!!! It was a fun read Tegs! Too funny ...like mother like daughter as that describes my fishing boat experience in Sark. They say the best place to be is in the centre of the boat and to look out to the horizon...but yeh I am not sure even the tablets would be efffective for some trips! Love ya Hon!